Our group actively participates in national and international conferences for presenting our most important results to the scientific community
Some selected contributions:
MOM@MATSUS Spring 2025
It has been a fantastic week of talks and discussions about how materials science and technology can...
The Foremost Photonics 2022, October 10-14th (Erice, Italy)
L. Caliò, Hybrid light-matter states of optoelectronic materials coupled to optical cavities. Invited talk
EMLEM 2022, October 3-5th (Limassol, Cyprus)
Prof. H. Míguez. Photophysics of perovskite quantum dots coupled to optical cavities. Invited talk
International Workshop of Persistent and Photostimulable Phosphors 2022, August (Belgrade, Serbia)
V. Castaing,Transparent persistent luminescence films: from design to glowing perspectives. Invited talk
The Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp, August 2nd-5th (Windsor, UK)
C. Bujalance, Ultra-Strong coupling phenomena in broadband light-harvesting molecules. Oral communication
3rd International Conference on Interface Properties In organic and Hybrid Electronic: Perspectives & Key Challenges (IPOE 2022), June 13-16, 2022 (Málaga, Spain)
L. Caliò. Exciton-Photon Coupling of Subphthalocyanine-based Solar Absorbers Embedded into a Fabry-Pérot Cavity. Contributed talk.
HOPV 2022, May 23rd-25th (Valencia, Spain)
D. Tiede, Iodide Nanodomain Formation as Local Rearrangement Process during Phase Segregation in Mixed Halide Perovskites. Oral communication
HOPV 2022, May 23rd-25th (Valencia, Spain)
H. Míguez, Ligand-free perovskite quantum dots embedded in porous matrices: synthesis, properties and optoelectronic devices. Invited talk
SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, April 3rd-7th (Strasbourg, France)
E. Cabello-Olmo. Nanophosphor-based photonic architectures for Efficient Light Conversion. Oral communication
Nanolight 2022, March 6-12th (Benasque, Spain)
E. Cabello Olmo. Nanophosphor Photonics for efficient Light Conversion. Oral communication
XVII Escuela Nacional de Materiales Moleculares. 20-24th March (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Prof. H. Míguez. Hybrid light-matter states in molecular materials coupled to optical cavities. Invited talk
SPIE Photonic West 2022 (22-27 January) San Francisco, USA
L. Caliò. Tailoring the optical properties of broad-band molecular solar absorbers embedded into a Fabry-Pérot cavity. Invited talk